Our Christmas time was a bit different than usually, partly because of Taru's mating process but mainly because of Kosmo. He got a short epileptic seizure on 21 Dec but the vet thought it probably wasn't dangerous. Next night he got another seizure, short again, and another vet meant it's not time to start meds yet. In the night to Christmas he got two more seizures, a bit longer ones, so we went to emergency policlinic. Kosmo got the fifth seizure there, being awake this time, and this started a proper treatment. We ended up to spend all the Christmas Eve at the clinic, worrying about poor Kosmo. Finally they sent us home, and there we were, with a sick dog and with new plans for the Christmas (or actually no plans, or food or anything; we were to travel to my Mom). Luckily the medicine kept the seizures away but Kosmo was very anxious, noisy, hungry and had incontinence problems. Our other dogs didn't like him at that phase, something that he couldn't understand and became even more nervous. Poor Samu had to be alone with all of them a couple of days when I was mating Taru.

When the Christmastime finally was over, I contacted our vet and Kosmo got a repeict for cortisone, too. Now he is not so nervous any more, he can sleep and relax and other dogs like him again. The problem is that he drinks much, pees much and cannot hold his urine so much + that we don't know how long the situation stays that stable :(. I'm afraid the old Kosmo, the boy we used to know, has already somehow gone. We have a vet control next week.


 I and Pirjo the breeder travelled to Oulu to meet Otto on 26 Dec. Otto and Taru started their playing immediately and soon the first mating had happened :). They did it again in the morning of 27 and 28th. We thought that three easy matings was enough, so we said thank you to Otto's family. Thanks again for your hospitality! Otto was a very charming, easy-going, energetic, virile but still polite man also in his home circumstances. They seemed to be a very balanced couple. I really hope we'll get cute, reasonable puppies with lots of potential!

When we came home, Taru continued her plays with Tosi and Myytti, who both have season, for several days. I was a bit afraid that we had visited Otto too early, but Taru was mated on 12, 13 and 14th day of her heat, which should be quite ideal, especially as she was so ready. We will see, exciting! Taru is still training a bit (coldness prevents it little, today -27!) but bit by bit I put my energy to Tosi (and Samu to, well, floorball etc).